Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Through the Aye Aye's Eye


And then at the window, the Aye Aye bird,
Ruffled it's feathers and looked upward.

From the heavens, a golden egg was to drop,
On the head of the Aye Aye, it was meant to stop.

So the bird had comically inclined it's head,
So the egg would slide off and bounce in it's nest, instead.

Soon through the clouds wafting by,
Came the egg, seemingly attempting to fly.

But the Aye Aye was ready; pretty head cocked,
To avoid any chance of getting knocked.

But things did not go as well as planned,
The egg seemed to take ages to land.

Long after, the bird, to look upward, gathered the pluck,
But remained alert to promptly duck.

The egg was gleaming a few inches away,
Stuck on a thin tree, dangerously a-sway.

Cleverly, the bird, keeping an eye on the egg,
Jumped upward and landed beside target, on one leg.

At that moment, the egg cracked open and revealed,
A little Aye Aye! And big Aye Aye squealed. :)


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